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High strength steel Q890D for high end construction machinery

Posted:2021-04-20 14:44:28
steel Q890D

Recently, the company successfully finished production of high-strength steel Q890D for high-end construction machinery. After inspection, the surface quality, mechanical properties and other indicators of the Q890D steel meet the needs of users. The Q890D materials will be used to manufacture concrete pump truck boom, bracket and other structural parts.

In order to ensure the smooth delivery of high strength steel Q890D, the company's technical service team conducted a full range of in-depth docking with the users, and had a detailed understanding of the user's requirements for product performance and process standards. Combined with the characteristics of high product strength, high surface quality requirements, low internal stress and difficult shape control, the company organized technical personnel and production personnel to set up a special team to repeatedly study and formulate product production process plan, optimize product composition system, rolling process and subsequent heat treatment process design, formulate strict production process standards, and arrange technical backbone to follow Key process links. In the production process, the quenching and tempering process is adopted to ensure that the shape and other properties of the product are qualified, and finally ensure the high quality of the Q890D steel.
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