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Corrosion of hot-rolled AH36 steel plate stored in warehouse

Posted:2022-11-30 16:20:04

The surface quality and corrosion resistance of hot-rolled AH36 steel plate have always been important aspects to measure the quality of steel plates, and the thickness and compactness of the scale on the surface of hot-rolled steel plates are directly related to the corrosion resistance of AH36 steel plate, which have become an important aspect of the surface quality of steel plates. evaluation standard. How to obtain excellent surface oxide scale quality and the corrosion resistance of oxide scale in the storage and logistics stage has become a common concern of steel rolling experts, corrosion scholars and logistics managers.

There are dense scales on the surface of hot-rolled AH36 steel plate, which play a protective role on the surface of the steel. However, this layer of oxide skin is not intact, and there are usually microscopic defects such as pores, microcracks and voids. During storage or transportation in an atmospheric environment, oxygen and water molecules in the atmosphere can penetrate into the surface of the substrate through these microscopic defects, resulting in The localized corrosion of AH36 steel plate matrix affects the appearance and performance of AH36 steel plate.

The thickness, compactness and composition of the oxide scale are related to the transmission and diffusion of corrosive media such as oxygen and water in the oxide scale, which directly affect the corrosion resistance of the hot-rolled AH36 steel plate during storage and transportation. The correlation between the type, structure and composition of rolling scale and atmospheric corrosion resistance can not only improve the service performance of hot-rolled AH36 steel plate, but also provide a basis for the time specification of hot-rolled AH36 steel plate during storage and transportation.

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